Home > Parents

Freshmen: Complete steps 1-4. Bring paperwork to your first practice. Schedule coming soon (Refer to our Calendar of Events for specific dates). Meet in the gym, near the pool entrance. Bring tennis shoes, cleats, mouth guard, and workout clothes.
Complete the Parent Contact Form so we can communicate directly with you.
Contains all the information parents need.​
Athletic Clearance is now completed digitally at https://athleticclearance.fhsaahome.org/. Please be sure you register and complete all steps to get cleared.
You must have a physical completed by a licensed physician and complete other paperwork. Physicals ae only valid for 1 calendar year.
Get a Physical
Every child must have a Sports Physical (EL2 form from the Sports Packet) before being allowed to practice or play. Physicals must be completed annually and are valid for 1 calendar year.​ Please take the EL2 Form from the packet to you doctor.
All parents who volunteer on game nights should complete both pages of the Volunteer Packet and turn into the front office of the school or to a QBC​ representative.
Get your name on the Volunteer List for Game Nights. We ask every family to register for a minimum of 2 nights per season. Activities include: Chain Gang, VIP Seating guard, helping the Gate table, and more.
The QBC ​has several fundraisers going, many of which are able to help you cover the player fee. Please check out the Fundraisers page for all of the activities available.
The QBC has general sponsorship opportunities available for local businesses. Please familiarize yourself with the Sponsorship Levels and use the Fundraising Packet. Each sponsorship you bring in goes to cover player fees.
The QBC puts together a Media Guide Program each year for sale to attendees. This fundraiser is supported by business ads. Order forms are available in the Media Guide Order Form. Each Media Guide Ad sold goes to cover your player fees.
Parents can also order their own Parent Ad in the Media Guide. See the Media Guide Parent Order Form.
VIP Season Passes
Limited Quantity VIP Season Passes are now for sale on our homepage or using the Season Pass Order Form. Reserve yours today.
Game Schedule
Download the Game Schedule PDF and subscribe to our Google Calendar for all important dates and times.
Field Cleanup
A field cleanup day will be schedule din July or August to prepare the field for game day. Please plan to bring yard maintenance equipment (weed eater, edger, etc). This cleanup day is mandatory for all players. We need every parent to help as well.
Get Involved
We need your help! See which Committee is best for you or contact us for open positions and join the Quarterback Club. Sign up for needed Volunteer Positions on game nights.
Not sure if practice is scheduled? Need to know when an event is taking place? Camps? Check the Calendar of Events.​
Game Days
Just a notice to all parents. Players MUST be in school by 11am on game days and remain in school for the remainder of the day or they will be ineligible to play. ​